Climate Change Part 2: The Analogy of the Diet

So how do we live in harmony with one another, and the orchestra of Creation, over whom God is the Conductor? It is true that we cannot continue business as usual. I remember a teacher in high school citing a statistic that if everyone lived as decadently as we do in the West, we wouldContinue reading "Climate Change Part 2: The Analogy of the Diet"

Climate Change Part 1: The Analogy of the Dysfunctional Choir

During the 1970s, my dad worked as a dispatcher for a trucking company in Michigan. In 1981, the company suspended operation of the Michigan terminal, but offered him a job in Wisconsin. So the family, which at that time only meant Mom, Dad and my oldest brother who was a baby, moved to Wisconsin. LifeContinue reading "Climate Change Part 1: The Analogy of the Dysfunctional Choir"

My Case for Christ and our Superiority to Animals

One day the summer before last, an animal died in our yard, and my mom noticed some birds, which we later learned were turkey buzzards, had gathered around it for a feast. That afternoon, my parents, and even a family friend who dropped by, watched in morbid fascination as the birds feasted, even marveling atContinue reading "My Case for Christ and our Superiority to Animals"

Uniformity Diabolical, Diversity Divine

Hello readers, I hope you are doing well as we approach the end of winter and the start of Spring. Overall, I am doing well, although I have been feeling a little out of sorts, not in a severe sense, but in a way that has felt too complicated to write about. But I haveContinue reading "Uniformity Diabolical, Diversity Divine"

Reflecting on Christmas: A Foretaste of Eternal Life

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year readers! Don't worry, I am alive and well. It has just been a crazy Fall semester and I either haven't had the time or haven't been in the right frame of mind to write. I have so much to update you on, from the family vacation to Hilton HeadContinue reading "Reflecting on Christmas: A Foretaste of Eternal Life"

On Human Dignity and the Sanctity of Life: Part 2

As promised, here is the research paper I wrote last semester on the sanctity of life. It addresses mostly the abortion debate, but also physician-assisted suicide. If you are just joining us, I encourage you to scroll down to yesterday's post for clarification and context. I also want to add one more clarification. My lastContinue reading "On Human Dignity and the Sanctity of Life: Part 2"

On Human Dignity and the Sanctity of Life: Part 1

Well readers, I am a woman of my word, and given that the Fall semester of seminary school officially starts this week, and the abortion debate will probably dominate the news cycle until midterms, it is almost time that I share the research paper I wrote last semester on the biblical perspective on human dignity.Continue reading "On Human Dignity and the Sanctity of Life: Part 1"

What I Would Tell the Teenage Girl Who Wrote a Letter to President Bush

This past year, Mom deep-cleaned the basement, put in new flooring (by herself), donated/threw away things we no longer used and reorganized special items we wanted to keep. One day several months ago, shortly after this massive undertaking was complete, I had just finished walking on the treadmill one Tuesday evening when I grabbed myContinue reading "What I Would Tell the Teenage Girl Who Wrote a Letter to President Bush"

Chapter 8: A Complicated Question

It is 2010, and I am standing in front of a classroom of thirty college students at Carroll University where I am a student myself. But I am not in this class. My classes are in the communication and english departments. This is a class for business majors studying diversity in the workplace, and IContinue reading "Chapter 8: A Complicated Question"